Archive for June, 2012

Want to use Ubuntu Network Manager instead of wicd Network Manager on Backtrack5R2?

Try this :

1. Install Network Manager

sudo apt-get install network-manager

2. Edit /etc/network/interfaces

sudo pico /etc/network/interfaces

So it’s just contain this:

rumy@cbug-lair:~$ cat /etc/network/interfaces
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

3. Edit /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf

pico /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf

So it’s contain:

rumy@cbug-lair:~$ cat /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf
# This file is installed into /etc/NetworkManager, and is loaded by
# NetworkManager by default. To override, specify: ‘–config file’
# during NM startup. This can be done by appending to DAEMON_OPTS in
# the file:
# /etc/default/NetworkManager



4. Reboot

I’ve been searching the net to find the solution for my problem :
I’ve installed Backtrack5R2 on my HP ProBook 5220m, and my HP ProBook didn’t have a sound ever since (it has a sound when I have Ubuntu 12.04 on it)
And all the blog I found seems to copy each other article that suggest me to put /usr/bin/pulseaudio on my startup application launcher, but no … it didn’t work for me.

This morning I wake up with this thought: not so long a go if my Slackware machine didn’t have a sound, I simply fireup alsamixer on the console and enable it from there, rise the volume and it will work like charm … so why not try that?

So couple of minutes ago, when I have time to access my HP ProBook 5220m with Backtrack5R2, I open terminal console:

sudo su

and type:


and to my surprise: THE SPEAKER BAR IS MUTE!  (it has MM (mute) below it), so I simply press M on Speaker bar and then: I GOT MY SOUND BACK ;)

After that all I did is save the alsamixer config with:

alsactl store

Hope this helps other who was tired reading /usr/bin/pulseaudio out there but still doesn’t have their sound back ;)

If you got this error when try to use wicd:

Could not connect to wicd’s D-Bus interface. Check the wicd log for error messages.

try this:

1. Fireup gnome terminal

2. Type:

dpkg-reconfigure wicd
update-rc.d wicd defaults 

3. Done ;)

Got bored with Ubuntu 12.04 and last night I decide to try Backtrack5 R2 GNOME 64bit on my HP ProBook 5220m

Here’s what happened

1. I made a Backtrack USB boot with  Ubuntu’s Startup Disk Creator (guess Unetbootin will do too)
2. Boot HP ProBook with Backtrack5 R2 usb stick.

a. And I got the first error ;) the Backtrack won’t boot, it stop on a boot: prompt, complaining that:

vesamenu.c32 : not a COM32R image

b. But when I hit tab, I saw the kernel image: DEFAULT STEALTH … etc
c. So I put DEFAULT after boot: prompt and hit ENTER

boot: DEFAULT [enter]

and the system start booting like usual
d. I login with default account and password (root/toor) and type startx to try the GUI only to have a blank screen, the system freeze
e. After turning off the notebook, I tried again to boot but now with more option:

boot: DEFAULT  xforcevesa noapic noacpi nosplash irqpoll

after login (again) and run startx, I finally got the BackTrack GUI screen :)
f. Finished? … NO! I have Intel Graphic Card so why used VESA? so here’s what I did next.

3. After checked the system, I found that it’s already have Intel Xserver driver

For those who don’t have an Intel Xserver driver don’t forget to install intel xserver driver
Activate network and connect to Internet via wicd (/etc/init.d/networking start and look for wicd on Applications|Internet menu)
and do this: 

 apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel
 apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel-dbg
 apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-i740 

So I logout from Backtrack GUI and create a new xorg.conf

Xorg -configure

Copied it to /etc/X11

cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf

And edit /etc/default/grub and change “text splash vga=791” to “text splash i915.modeset=1”

pico /etc/default/grub
change text splash vga=791 to text splash i915.modeset=1

and don’t forget to:

And then reboot my new Backtrack5R2 System with Intel Graphic Card ;)

4. Finishing touch, install update, synaptic, gdm and gnome-system-tools so I can have a desktop GUI ;)

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get install synaptic
apt-get install gdm
apt-get install gnome-system-tools

5. Add new user (System|Administration|User and Groups) and add it to sudo groups

Add new user: rumy with a password: canttouchthis
Manage groups – sudo – Properties – checked rumy 

6. Finished!