Archive for February, 2008

Find this when searching for Japanese’s font solution on BackTrack :

Slackware is not the most user-friendly of distros; or rather, as the Unix joke goes, it’s picky about who its friends are. On the other hand, it has distinct advantages in terms of flexibility, simplicity and a charming literalness of mind. It does not, however, speak many languages ‘out of the box’.

true … ^^

“Feature only available with HAL” pesan ini keluar pada saat memasukkan usb-flash stick ke USB port di Toshiba Laptop (OS : BackTrack) sebagai user biasa (bukan root), ini bisa diperbaiki dengan menambah username di /etc/groups pada group plugdev, seperti berikut ini :


Sesudah itu usb-flash stick bisa dimasukkan tanpa ada masalah ^o^